Why Are the Five Elders So Desperate to Kill Nico Robin?

Nico Robin

The Five Elders, known as Gorosei in One Piece, the highest authority in the World Government are very much keen on killing Nico Robin because she is the only survivor of Ohara incident.

Their desire to eliminate Nico Robin is deeply rooted in the historical and political landscape of the world they govern.

The Ability to Read Poneglyphs

Nico Robin is one of the last survivors of the Ohara civilization, a civilization known for their advance knowledge and scholarly pursuit of history.

The people of Ohara dedicated themselves to study about the poneglyphs and reveal the history behind 100 year void century that the world government has erased from public records.

However, when world government discovered their research, they viewed it as a direct threat to their control and ordered the Buster Call on Ohara, annihilating the entire island and its people.

Robin, as a young girl, was the sole survivor and inherited the knowledge and ability to read the Poneglyphs. This ability makes her one of the few individuals in the world capable of uncovering the truth that the World Government has fought so hard to suppress.

For this reason, she was branded as a dangerous criminal from a very young age, with a massive bounty placed on her head not because of her actions, but because of the knowledge she possesses.

Significance of Poneglyphs

The Poneglyphs are ancient, indestructible stone tablets scattered across the world, inscribed with texts in an ancient language. They hold crucial information about the “Void Century,” a mysterious 100-year period of history that the World Government has deliberately erased from public records.

This period is key to understanding the true history of the world, including the origins of the World Government, the existence of the Ancient Weapons (Pluton, Poseidon, and Uranus), and the true nature of the “D.” lineage, which is associated with many of the world’s most significant historical figures.

What is Void Century

The Void Century is one of the most mysterious and significant periods in the series of One Piece. It refers to a time period of 100 years that took place approximately 800 years before the current storyline.

Despite its importance, nearly all records of this era have been deliberately erased by the World Government, making it a central mystery in the series.

This era is believed to hold critical information about the true history of the world, including the origins of the World Government, the existence of powerful Ancient Weapons, and possibly the reason for the global order as it exists today.

Fear in World Government

The Five Elders, Highest authority in the world government very well know, that the truth of the “Void Century” the span of hundred years could be a big threat to their power if it is known to the public.

The information hidden within the poneglyphs could bring back the ancient weapons. These are the powerful tools of mass destruction which could overthrow the current world order.

Moreover, revealing the true history could weaken the World Government by showing the lies and terrible things they’ve done to keep their power.

Decision To Kill Nico Robin

Due to Nico Robin’s unique ability to read Poneglyphs, she poses to a direct threat to the world government and high authority, because if the truth comes out, the world government would be doomed.

The Five Elders believed that if Nico Robin were to align with someone who plans to destroy the world government and Nico Robin spreads the information written on poneglyphs, it would lead to global chaos and downfall of their power.

In order to prevent this from happening, The Five Elders decide to eliminate Nico Robin before she discovers any truth about the “Void Century”.

The decision made by them is not just for suppressing the information on poneglyphs but also to prevent any rebellion that would cause in future because of that, because that would bring their power down.

The Broader Implications

The determination of the World Government ordered by The Five Elders, to kill Nico Robin tells us how determined they are to keep the information of poneglyphs buried from the public.

Robin’s journey with Straw Hats, who seek to protect her at any cost and are keen on discovering the truth about “Void Century” adds another layer of story in narration.

This sets up a conflict between those who wish to maintain the status by hiding the original information and those who seek to change the world by revealing its true history.

In summary, the Five Elders’ desire to kill Nico Robin is driven by the need to protect the World Government’s power and the stability of the world they control, even if it means committing further act of brutality.

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